Feedback Assignment 4
Assignment 4 Feedback 17/11/16 Project: Tools and Materials The feed back I got this project was good. It has been noticed that I do put a lot of work into my work and research. The only thing that was suggested in this piece to work on was my watercolour techniques so my tutor has suggested to do some studies in my sketchbook to work on this and I agree with her 100%. I love using watercolour paint but not wholly sure how to use this so I will be doing some research into this as suggested. Project: Audiences The project was to produce three posters for a museum we could choose what we wanted to look at. I chose Samurai. The feedback on this was generally good response and I did allot of preparatory work that my tutor said was solid and my compositions were clean, engaging and a good consistency use of image to fir the theme. The downside to the feedback was that she could not distinguish between the age groups and I agree looking back there are...