Exercise: Illustrating Visual Space

Illustrating Visual Space


  'Using internet searches or your own visual references select an image of each of these:

A Tree  A Child Running   A Building 

Photocopy them in black and white and in different scale and sizes so you have several versions of each image, arrange some of the cut-outs to create a representational image. You may use the distortion of scale of one element compared to another to create an image which is interesting visually.

Answer these question:

1. How does your sense of the image and its meaning change when the figure is smaller than the other elements?

2. If the elements are at different angles to each other and at an angle to the frame, what dynamic is suggested?

3. If all the elements are completely horizontal and vertical in relation to the frame what dynamic is suggested? What is your opinion about this image and what sensation does it communicate?

4. Which is your favourite composition? Explain why you feel it is most successful.'

  So to create these images I used Photoshop to get the same desired affect. I placed each image in different sizes to each other are sometimes on a slant to see what affect I would get with the image. I liked this exercise as it simply just playing with composition and sizing of each image to see what you could come up with, it didn't have to make sense which was fun to do.
  Here are the results: 

  1. The image says to me when the element is smaller that the other elements is that that thing is the furthest away to you, it is in the distance. The largest element is the closest to me, for example: My first composition the running child is the closest image to me therefore she is the largest in this image, whereas the house is the smallest image therefor the furthest away from me it is in the distance

  2. To me if the element is at an angle with the frame it seems that the image is floating almost that it has lost its purpose as to why its there, for example my forth image has the house and the tree at an angle, I look at this image and think well what is the purpose of that house and tree being there? 

  3. If the images are all horizontal and vertical to the frame it suggests that there is some form of story or reasoning as to why its been placed like it has, for example: my first image has the running girl as the closest image then the tree and then the house in the distance, this makes it feel like you should be concentrating on this girl cause she could be the main character in the image, she might have a story etc.

  4. My favourite image is the last image. I like how the tree covers the house it almost gives off a sinister feel especially because the image is in black and white and the girl is playing outside. I feel that the images are the correct sizing and you can tell in what order the images go in as in which is the closest and furthest away. 


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